Monday, October 3, 2011

Driving Along the Connecticut

And it's the Boy's day off.

October 1st--a drizzly first day of the month.
The four of us are buckled inside our puddle-jumping Xterra.
Raindrops lightly tap dance across the windshield.
Tip, tap.
Tip, tap, tip, tap. 
With windows down, we feel the brisk air blushing our cheeks.
And inhale the smell of Fall.
But, a little voice from behind begs for the windows to 'go up'.
'Please,' he adds.
I love it when he remembers his manners.

As we hum along the Connecticut, listening to the syncopating rhythm of rain, the river looks precariously high with brown swift-moving water.
We cross a covered bridge.
Cornish, NH to Windsor, VT.
It's massive; I think this is now my favorite one.
Clickety clack we go as we hear its echos from beneath.

We admire the countryside's rolling green hills with hints of lovely colors on the horizon.
And lots
and lots
and lots
of cows.
Vermont cheese-making cows, that is.
And a whole lot of mooing.
One kid was in awe.
The other just sucked her thumb, scowling at the cows.

Week after week, drive after drive, I think this place really feels like home.
Although my mind may change once January comes...