I don't participate in Facebook very well. If I do, I lurk around, waste a lot of time, and skim through a lot of status updates laced with a whole lotta of showboating. While on vacation, the first one without kids, the thought crossed my mind to share my awesome week with the Facebook universe. I had the urge to say, "Looky, lookie! I'm on vacation, and you're not!" I was riding hot on adrenaline with my newfound freedom and I had the urge to rub it into everyone's faces. Super tempting, but not my style.
That, my friends, is what blogging is for.
My top five boastings of what-I-almost-posted-on-Facebook-but-didn't-because-I-chickened-out-and-thought-it-would-be-too-flamboyant-but-still-blogged-about-it-so-it-could-be-documented:
4.) I rode a bike around Martha's Vineyard all day long. My thighs and rear end are now rip roaring tight.
3.) Staying at the most lovely Bed & Breakfast. The wooden floorboards are from the early 1800s, the ceiling is slanted and oh-so-charming (squeal!), and I ate french toast and fresh blueberries on floral china.
2.) Drove to the tip of the Cape today. So rad. (Cape Cod for all you ignoramuses.)
1.) Did I mention that I'm vacationing with my hottie husband in Martha's Vineyard of all places? Have you been there? No? Does that make me better than you? Yeah, I think it does. Jealous, aren't we?
As you could tell, my excitement made me explode with various thoughts of tactlessness. Photos of the aforementioned happenings are to be posted shortly.