The incentive? To win a free copy of a book that teaches how to take better pictures. For someone like me who is still doing my best to learn how to use last year's Christmas present, I find it hard to pass it up. I want that book.
During the month of October, Katie Evans Photography is hosting the contest Photoberfest on Pinterest:
- Week 1 was food. Fortunately, this week has passed. Me no can do food.
- Week 2 (this week) is kids. I practice every day with kids, so this may be the best chance I've got.
- Week 3 will be action. No can do either. This is my struggle no matter how much I try to read up on shutter speed. For that reason, I want a copy of Katie's photography book. It wouldn't hurt to have a nicer lens to work with either.
- Week 4 is Halloween. We shall see if there will be any photos worth submitting by then.
Would you like to vote for me? Pretty please.
First, you need to have a Pinterest account. If you don't have one, I can e-mail you an invitation.
Second, click HERE to the link to vote. While on Pinterest, you select the photos you like and click "like" to vote. The photo with the most "likes" wins the prize.
It's a long shot, but worth a try.
The photos shown below have been entered into the contest. Contest for each week ends at midnight Friday.
Would you like to participate too? Follow the link HERE and let me know so I can vote for your entries.
Good luck!